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How it all began?

A devoted family researcher, János Bogárdi has developed an internet-based Forum for fellow researchers a couple of years ago. He spared no efforts to keep the system running: tens of thousands of questions were asked and answered, valuable information exchanged, partnerships forged. With more and more Forum members recognizing that family research was not a mere hobby but an important activity to help historical research just as well as the resolving of legal issues, the proposal to establish an association or society which may create a structured framework for this activity became generally accepted and supported.

Finally, the Hungarian Society of Family History Research (MACSE), was established on 15 January, 2011. Its main objectives include the lobbying for a coherent and non-restrictive legal environment for family research; promoting professionalism among family researchers via publications, seminars and other networking events and helping researchers in Hungary and abroad who wish to know more about their ancestry and family background. The Society also intends to establish close partnership with similar organisations in other countries, in particular in those in which descendents of Hungarian émigrés live in a great number.



© MACSE   Magyar Családtörténet-kutató Egyesület  Mail: 1025 Budapest Cseppkő utca 33     koordinator@macse.hu 
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