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MACSE Dataprotection and data handling regulations

- outdated version, new is currently being translated -

Data handler’s name: Hungarian Family History Research Society (MACSE)

Data handler’s address: H 1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 10/A. II/3/a.

Data handler’s registration ID: -

Contact: MACSE

MACSE carries on its family history research by creating databases according to the relevant laws and taking account of all relevant regulation. It respects the data of all living persons and respect the rights of all deceased persons and handles all received data with discretion. All data appearing on its web site is published according to the provisions of the following laws and regulations.

  • The law regulating the protection of personal information and the publication of data of public interest issued in 1992. No. LXIII.
  • The law regulating public documents, public archives and of private archives issued in 1995. No. LXVI.
  • The law relating to the right of information sovereignty and the freedom of information issued in 2011. No. CXII.
  • The law on right to piety Ptk. 85. § (3)
  • The law regulating the freedom of the individual when personal data is handled by machine, issued in Strasbourg, on 28th January 1981., with the agreement declared in law no. VI on 1998.

Provided that You share your personal information with MACSE in connection with its general functioning or in relation to any of its databases, being a member or not, you thus authorise MACSE to hold and handle this information internally for administrative purposes for an unlimited time, unless you withdraw this right. MACSE does not use personal information for any other reason than that provided for, unless the provider of this information has prior knowledge and had authorised such use. The only exception is when any information has to be legally provided and is compulsory.

Terms in connection with personal data

Any natural person who can be identified by personal information or by implication – directly or indirectly.

Personal data
Any data connected to the affected person – especially his/her name, identifier, as well as one or more physical, mental, economic, cultural or social type – as well as assumptions that can be drawn from these;

Exceptional data
Personal data that can lead to knowledge of or assumptions on racial origins, membership of national or ethnic minorities, political opinions or membership of parties, religious or other world views, membership of representations of interest groups, sexual preferences, state of health, dependencies or criminal convictions.

Voluntary and definite expression of the affected person’s wishes, which is based on adequate information and with which he/she gives his/her unambiguous agreement to use of his/her personal data for all purposes or for a single purpose clearly defined.

The declaration of the affected person, in which he/she expresses his/her disagreement with the way his/her peronsal data was used, and in which he/she cancels the data handler’s right to use his/her personal data and/or requests the deletion of same.

Data handler
Any natural or legal person, or organisation, who or which either on its own or in conjunction with others defines the purpose of the data handling, makes the decisions with regard to the data handling (including the means used), carries out the data handling or instructs another data handler to do so.

Data handling
Irrespective of the method, any action performed on the data or the whole of the actions, especially its collection, takeup, recording, ordering, storing, altering, using, researching, forwarding, publishing, syncronising or connecting, closing, deleting or destroying, as well as the refusal of its further use, photographing, recording or filming, plus the fixing of the physical attributes which enable the identification of a person.

Data forwarding
Making the data available to a definite third person.

Making the data available to anyone.

Data deletion
Making the data unrecognisable in a way that it can never be restored again.

Data notation
Making the data have an unique identifier, so that it can be identified.

Data restriction
Making the data unavailable for forwarding, researching, publication, alteration, restructuring, deleting, connecting or cyncronisation; making it impossible to use forever or for a specified time.

Data destruction
The complete destruction of the physical object containing the data.

Data processing
The carrying out of the technical tasks enabling the handling of the data, irrespective of the method or equipment used or the place where it is handled.

Data processor
Any natural or legal person, or organisation, who or which is commissioned by the data processor – including those commissioned by law – processes personal information;
The data processor is responsible for the processing, altering, deleting, forwarding and publication of the data within his/her circle of activity as well as within the framework defined by the data handler. The data processor while processing the data cannot employ or use another data processor.
The data processor can only use the data according to the instr5uctions of the data handler. He/she cannot use the data for his/her own purposes. The instructions relating to the processing of the data have to be laid down in writing. The commissioned data processor cannot subcontract the processing of the data to another person.

The database
Is the sum total of the data kept in one data handling system

Third person
Any natural or legal person, or organisation, who or which is not the same as the person involved, the data handler or the data processor.

Personal data handling system
A database of personal information, structured in any way, in a functionally or geographically centralised, decentralised or scattered system, which is accessible on the basis of definite criteria.

Data user
A natural person, who registers on the website www.macse.hu, where he/she sends, saves or researches data.

Information regarding the handling and use of data

  • The legal framework of data handling is the data protection legislation
According to the provisions of the Data Protection Law, handling personal information is only allowed under the following conditions:
  • With the permission of those affected,
  • With legal authorisation,
  • The law, with regulated guarantees, can authorise the handling of personal information without the consent of those affected. The handling of personal data can also be authorised when it is impossible to obtain permission from those affected or doing so would necessitate unreasonable expense….
  • The naming of the data handling
The handling of the data is carried out on the basis of the voluntary, informed and definite consent of the users and is for the purpose of establishing a database of members and a list of registered users on the society’s website.
  • The scope of the handled data
The name, place and date of birth, address, mother’s name, telephone number and E-mail address of the society’s members.
  • The time scale of the data handling
The time scale of the data handling is identical with the operation of the society, it is of indeterminate length.
  • The purpose of the data handling
Registering the members of the society and making possible registration on the society’s website.
  • Other
MACSE cannot be held responsible for those possible losses, expenses which arise from the use of its website, its non operational time or the alteration of its data by unauthorised persons, or for its delays, viruses or any similar fault.

The owner of the MACSE website reserves the right to unilaterally alter the current data protection and user regulation with prior notification to the users. You, by using the website after these alterations have taken effect, accept the new data handling regulation of the website.

Any user can obtain legal assistance based on data protection legislation and on the basis of the Civil Code or from the data protection registrar. Any further requests and/or questions can be addressed to the webmaster on the elnok@macse.hu  E-mail address.


© MACSE   Magyar Családtörténet-kutató Egyesület  Mail: 1025 Budapest Cseppkő utca 33     koordinator@macse.hu 
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